Static Route module enables you to create a static route URL and give it a globally unique FQDN. When you add a static route, an externally exposed endpoint is essentially guaranteed to be available at the URL of that particular static route. It makes externally exposed endpoints (and hence the deployments exposing them) resilient to failure or re-deployment, facilitates maintenance and upgrades to the backend/deployment while retaining the same unique globally available URL.

Static routes are used frequently to get a deterministic URL/route for your application while exposing the network endpoint externally

Client Module

class Client(auth_token, project=None)

Client class provides access to device, package, volume and deployment classes.

__init__(auth_token, project=None)

Get new client object

  • auth_token (string) – Authentication token

  • project (string) – project_guid of the user


Create static route of a certain name


name (str) – Name of the static route. It should follow ^[a-z][a-z0-9-]*$ and should not contain black listed keyword and be of length between 4 and 64


Instance of StaticRoute class.

Following example demonstrates how to create a static route.

>>> from rapyuta_io import Client
>>> client = Client(auth_token='auth_token', project='project_guid')
>>> static_route = client.create_static_route('example-route')

Delete static route by its guid


route_guid (str) – GUID string of a StaticRoute class.

Following example demonstrates how to delete a static route

>>> from rapyuta_io import Client
>>> client = Client(auth_token='auth_token', project='project_guid')
>>> static_route_guid = client.get_all_static_routes()[0]['guid']
>>> client.delete_static_route(static_route_guid)

List all static routes in a project.


Instances of StaticRoute class.

Following example demonstrates how to list all static routes

>>> from rapyuta_io import Client
>>> client = Client(auth_token='auth_token', project='project_guid')
>>> static_routes = client.get_all_static_routes()

Get static routes by its guid


route_guid (str) – GUID string of a StaticRoute class.


Instance of StaticRoute class.

Following example demonstrates how to get a static route

>>> from rapyuta_io import Client
>>> client = Client(auth_token='auth_token', project='project_guid')
>>> static_route_guid = client.get_all_static_routes()[0]['guid']
>>> static_route = client.get_static_route(static_route_guid)

Get static routes by its name


name (str) – Name (urlPrefix) of the StaticRoute instance.


Instance of StaticRoute class or None if it doesn’t exist

Following example demonstrates how to get a static route by its name/url prefix

>>> from rapyuta_io import Client
>>> client = Client(auth_token='auth_token', project='project_guid')
>>> static_route = client.get_static_route_by_name('example-route')

Static Route Module

class StaticRoute(*args, **kwargs)

StaticRoute class represents an instance of a static route. It contains methods to delete static route.

  • CreatedAt – Date of creation

  • DeletedAt – Date of deletion

  • ID – ID of the static route

  • creator – User guid who created the static route

  • metadata – Metadata associated with the static route

  • projectGUID – GUID of the project the static route is to be created in

  • urlPrefix – Prefix/subdomain of the static route

  • urlString – Full static route URL


Delete static route


True or False

Return type


Following example demonstrates how to delete a static route

>>> from rapyuta_io import Client
>>> client = Client(auth_token='auth_token', project='project_guid')
>>> static_route = client.get_all_static_routes()[0]
>>> result = static_route.delete()